The program successfully strengthens relationships with community and interagency (government and non government) bodies. It effectively supported a reduction in economic and social disadvantage for a targeted group in our local community. All learners extended their networks and gained better access to services available. Literacy and language skills were improved but for most remain serious barriers to successful study in mainstream TAFE. Students gained greater confidence in study and were successfully engaged in further learning opportunities.
TAFE NSW Outreach at Wetherill Park played a significant role on the SIPRY working group which was formed to look at ways to approach issues precluding some refugee students and jobseekers from access to existing mainstream educations programs with appropriate support services. Some of the reasons for this include interrupted schooling leading to extremely low level of literacy, social isolation, family caring responsibilities and a limited understanding of our education and training system. Wetherill Park Outreach worked with Fairfield Centrelink, Fairfield High School, DET, DIAC, NAYSS and FMRC to develop the program which evolved learners’ awareness of alternative career pathways and a range of the opportunities available to them. Learners have built on LLN skills, gained better access to support services and successfully adapted to an adult learning environment. Students all gained greater confidence in accessing our Vocational Education and training system. Regular meetings with partners continue and the partnership changes in response to changing dynamics.